

copyright (c) 2016 by Steelhive, LLC

license MIT, see LICENSE for more details


The core python bindings for kvp.io

Accessing account information:

import kvpio
kvpio.api_key = '123abc'
account = kvpio.Account().get()
# {"id": "kvp.io", "email": "support@kvp.io", "reads": 87, "size": 124}

Writing to your bucket:

data = {
    'foo': 123,
    'bar': True,
    'baz': {
        'boo': 321,
        'far': False,
        'faz': [1, 2, 3]
bucket = kvpio.Bucket()
bucket.set('my_key', data)

Reading nested data from your bucket:

data = bucket.get('my_key/baz/faz')
# [1, 2, 3]


import os
import requests
import json as JSON

The API key to use for authentication

api_key = None

The API version in use, e.g., v1

api_ver = 'v1'

The base url of the API, e.g., https://api.kvp.io

api_base = 'https://api.kvp.io'

Toggle auto-parsing of JSON, default: False

load_json = False

The supported HTTP methods

http_methods = [

Represents an API endpoint from the client-side's perspective.

This class should not need to be instantiated manually. It is essentially a convenience wrapper for the requests library with a few properties.

  • params:
    • name: name of the api endpoint to access, e.g., 'bucket'
class Endpoint(object):
    name = None
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

Gets a requests compatible Basic Auth tuple.

    def auth(self):
        return (api_key, '')

Gets the compiled target url of the endpoint.

    def url(self):
        return '/'.join([api_base, api_ver, self.name])

A simple request wrapper. Used by get, post, etc. methods.

  • params:

    • method: a supported HTTP verb
    • key: a key path appended to an endpoint url
    • params: the url parameters to pass to the endpoint
    • json: a JSON encodable value to pass to the endpoint
  • returns:

    • tuple: a tuple of the form (int, str) where the first element is the response code and the second is a JSON decodable value or an empty string
    def request(self, method, key='', params=None, json=None):
        if method not in http_methods:
            raise Exception('Unsupported method attempted: {}'.format(method))

cause an exception if the data can't be jsonified

        response = getattr(requests, method)(
            '{}/{}'.format(self.url, key),
        if load_json:
                return (response.status_code, JSON.loads(response.text))
        return (response.status_code, response.text)

Provides access to account information.

class Account(Endpoint):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Account, self).__init__('account')

Requests the current account information as a JSON string, e.g.,

    'id': 'Account Name',
    'email': 'you@domain.tld',
    'reads': 154,
    'size': 140762
  • returns:
    • tuple: status code, JSON encoded string representation of the account
    def get(self):
        return self.request('get')

Provides access to bucket (key/value pair) storage.

class Bucket(Endpoint):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Bucket, self).__init__('bucket')

Retrieves the current list of keys.

  • returns:
    • tuple: status code, JSON encoded list of keys
    def list(self):
        return self.request('get')

Retrieves either the value stored at the key.

  • params:

    • key: the key or key path under which a value is stored
  • returns:

    • tuple: status code, JSON encoded string of the value
    def get(self, key):
        return self.request('get', key)

Assigns a value to the key path.

  • params:

    • key: the key or key path under which a value is stored
    • data: JSON encodable value to assign to store under key
  • returns:

    • tuple: status code, empty string
    def set(self, key, data):
        return self.request('post', key, json=data)

Deletes a key, it's value, and all values beneath it.

  • params:

    • key: the key or key path under which a value is stored
  • returns:

    • tuple: status code, empty string
    def delete(self, key):
        return self.request('delete', key)

Provides access to templates storage.

class Templates(Endpoint):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Templates, self).__init__('templates')

Retrieves the current list of templates.

  • returns:
    • tuple: status code, JSON encoded list of templates
    def list(self):
        return self.request('get')

Retrieves the template stored at key.

The template is rendered with data pulled from the account's bucket using the Jinja2 engine.

If raw is `True, returns the template un-rendered.

If data is provided, it is used to override bucket values.

  • params:

    • key: the key or key path under which the template is stored
    • data: JSON encodable value used to override bucket data
    • raw: whether or not to render the template
  • returns:

    • tuple: status code, the rendered, or un-rendered, template document
    def get(self, key, data=None, raw=False):
        return self.request('get', key, params={'raw': raw}, json=data)

Stores the template document under key.

  • params:

    • key: the key under which the template will be stored
    • template: the template document, optionally written with Jinja2
  • returns:

    • tuple: status code, empty string
    def set(self, key, template):
        return self.request('post', key, json=template)

Deletes a key and it's template document.

  • params:

    • key: the key under which the template is stored
  • returns:

    • tuple: status code, empty string
    def delete(self, key):
        return self.request('delete', key)